Friday, December 28, 2012

Purse Contents

I needed a pen out of my purse today and realized it is crammed full of stuff that doesn't need to be there.  I had to hunt around to find the pen.  So I am cleaning out the purse, and recording, just for fun, the complete contents before paring down.

  • Camera case, but no camera.  That is sitting on the couch where I left it this afternoon after a different blog post.
  • Two bottles of hand sanitizer, one practically empty, the other half full.  I will throw away the empty.
  • Wallet, whose contents I will not bother with.
  • Fifteen receipts that need to be put in the receipt cubby of the desk.
  • The Hobbit, in my purse because I am reading it out loud to Brandt, and I took it with us when we went to the doctor day before yesterday.  I read while we waited.  Bilbo has just met Gollum!  That will go upstairs to Brandt's room.
  • Checkbook
  • Two partially used packages of Kleenex.  I will combine them and return the one package to my purse.
  • One travel size, half full bottle of orange scented lotion.
  • Two movie tickets to Skyfall.  Kent and I saw that this afternoon.  That Daniel Craig is yummy!  He's the Bond for me.
  • Directions to the wedding reception for our niece Jordan who was married a week ago.  She was a beautiful bride, it was fun to be with family, and our dinner was lovely.
  • One small fabric bound accordion file for coupons.
  • One empty Ziploc bag not going back in the purse.
  • One mini calculator that Blythe uses as a phone.
  • One checkbook size rice paper zippered bag that holds "supplies" when necessary.  Not necessary this week, but was last week.  That will go live on the desk until needed again.
  • One Swiss Army knife purchased while on my mission in Switzerland.  It goes with me everywhere (except when I fly) and I have cause to use it frequently.
  • Four pencils, none of which will go back in the purse.  One of them, a Santa pencil, has not been sharpened.
  • Glasses in hard case.
  • Lipstick in hard case and lipstick brush, necessary because someone opened it all the way with the lid still on, so all the lipstick is in the lid.
  • Two AA batteries, probably dead.  I'll need to test them and then (likely) throw them away.
  • Two paperclips, one large, one small.
  • Two erasers, fallen off the pencils.
  • One CTR ring (Brandt's).
  • One cherry Chapstick.
  • Set of keys to my in-laws house and car.
  • Small tube of bubbles from the wedding reception last week.
  • One pen.  Only one.  Considering all the other stuff, is it any wonder I had a hard time finding it?