Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Do you think one is more likely to try and keep a resolution if someone else knows about it?  I'm not really one to jump on the new year's resolution bandwagon, mostly because I think if I need to make improvements or changes in my personal life, I should start, whenever.  But with the end of a year and the beginning of another, I have found myself reflecting on my behavior over the past twelve months, and I see areas that need improvement.  Some are deeply personal and I'm unwilling to write about them, even though likely only three people read this blog.  But there are others I am willing to record for the purpose of making myself accountable in some way, I guess to you three readers.  So here they are--my new year's resolutions.

  • Do two things every day: pray and study the scriptures.  I have lots of thoughts about these two activities, but they fall into the deeply personal category.  I do want to try and read the Book of Mormon once a quarter, four times this year, and hope for great personal improvements through my efforts. 
  • Do two other things at least five times a week: exercise and practice the piano.  The exercising goal is unrelated to weight loss, I just want to be moving more.  I began taking piano lessons in February, three decades after my last lesson.  I like being able to play better, and I really want to make marked improvement this year.  How is that going to happen?  Practice, practice, practice!
  • I want to perform an act of service for someone else every day.  Is that possible?  I know I serve my family every day, but I want it to be something more than the everyday.
  • I wanted to set a goal to have all of my personal reading be non-fiction, but I'm not sure why.  I like to set a reading goal each year, and I do like non-fiction, but we got several fun works of fiction for Christmas, and I don't really think I want to wait a whole year to read them just because of some silly goal.  So maybe I'll try and read as much non-fiction as fiction.
  • I want to use my time more wisely.  I have more time without the children because of school, and I don't want to fritter it away with fluff.  I want to be involved in more significant activities which certainly dovetails nicely with my desire to serve more.  I also want to attend the temple more frequently.  
So there I am.  Will one of you three readers ask me occasionally how I'm doing?  Ask to hear my current piano piece, or what I've learned this week from my Book of Mormon reading, or what good I've done in the world today?  I'll do the same for you.